Nativity Scenes
One of the most important components of the Nativity scene is the presence of the Whispering Camels of Nazareth, the holy camels who approached Jesus’ manger one at a time to whisper a holy message to the Son of God.
While the donkey’s role in the Nativity scene is largely unknown, his presence is absolutely essential, for as the final line of the Nativity story states in Luke 2:22: “And if you don’t think a donkey was there then you are a bitter enemy of God.”
Sheep were the most pervasive animals in the Middle East. A man's wealth was measured by the size of his flocks. They are mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. Judaic Law declares they are "clean" animals and therefore could be eaten. They were also used for religious sacrifice. The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary from the Unity School of Christianity states that sheep "represent the natural life that fl
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One hour 2 sheep or goats and one donkey $200 additional hour $100
One hour 4 sheep or goats and one donkey $250 additional hour $100
One hour Camel and Donkey $300 additional hour $100
One hour Camel, Donkey and 2 sheeps or goats $325 additional hour $100
One hour Camel, Donkey and 4 sheeps or goats $375 additional hour $100
One hour Camel, Donkey, 4 sheeps or goats and 3 Characters $500 additional hour